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Custom Design

Custom Design Process

With the support of AI and skilled production experts, we define, conceptualize, and refine your custom furniture design for our network of skilled artisans to effectively Build Your Vision


Define Your Aesthetics

Are you drawn to classic lines, a sleek modern look, or mid-century modern? What shapes, colors, and textures best suit your space and lifestyle? By answering a series of curated questions, we'll define the essence and aesthetics of your project, its intended function, and how it will contribute to your life.



Conceptualize Your Vision

We blend your inputs with the creative abilities of AI to produce a variety of concepts designed to ensure both manufacturing feasibility and aesthetic appeal. We guide the creative process to ensure we embody the emotions and functionality you desire, while staying within design preferences.


Refine and Finalize

Upon reviewing initial concepts, you’ll have the opportunity to provide feedback, enabling us to refine and adjust both material usage and design aesthetic. Together with a member of our Artisan Network, we'll reach a design consensus that aligns with your vision.



Build Your Vision

We execute a production process that's both transparent and responsive, ensuring your one-of-a-kind design is engineered, delivered, and installed to your specifications and timeline.

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